Madness Project Nexus 2 Alpha

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Guys, donating to the Kickstarter won't be enough now. Now we need to spread word about Madness: Project Nexus 2 in ways that people will be 110% wanting this game, throwing their money at it, then telling other people to tell other people while throwing money at it. Read this forum post for ways of going about this. LET'S FUCKIN' DO THIS, M8S. Along with your copy of Madness: Project Nexus 2, you'll receive a fun little stack of Madness stickers and buttons to commemorate your pledge. Krinkels and Swain will also be thanking you by name in a thank-you tweet at the end of the campaign, and your name or call sign will show up in the game's credits. Madness: Project Nexus (Classic) is a Madness Combat game. It was also unofficially referred to as 'Madness Interactive 2' by Krinkels. It was released on March 25th, 2012. The current version is V1.8, last updated September 9th, 2014. The development team is as follows: Krinkels did art and design. The-Swain programmed all features and groundwork for the combat system from scratch. MADNESS: Project Nexus is a third-person Run n' Gun-slash-Beat'Em Up filled with arcade-style action and button-mashing brutality. Train your custom Madness combatant for the endless trials of Arena Mode, building weapons from your own sick imagination to get through just one more wave of deranged assailants. Madness: Project Nexus 2 A fast-paced, Run n' Gun shooter (PC/Mac), filled to the brim with comic violence, swords, guns, squad combat, guns, and guns! Coming Soon - Check Us Out!

Maybe you’ve heard the news: we did a soft release for the Project Nexus 2 Alpha!

We haven’t made a huge deal about it yet (until now!) because we wanted to make sure everything was going smoothly with the release. A lot of factors go into creating content, testing content, formatting content for upload, establishing your pipeline for Steam, and then finally uploading the game. It’s our first time dealing with this, and we used this release as an opportunity to sit down and really learn how.

Now we’re past the bumps and we have a streamlined system for patching the Alpha weekly or sooner!

To all you Kickstarter and Paypal backers who have not received your keys…

…we have a few suggestions. Firstly, if the email associated with your Kickstarter/Paypal is a gmail account, I recommend visiting the “Promotions” tab of your client for your email. Nine times out of ten that’s where you’ll find it. To everyone else, email us at and we’ll give you your keys directly.

To all new supporters who want to get in on the action…

…visit the Preorder section of the site to buy into the Alpha. Currently [Pack B] is the only option that will give you immediate access to the game, but we are thrilled to receive your support even if you opt for a cheaper option that gives you access later on. Someday Krinkels and I dream of eating lobster again, but for the time being, your help puts ramen noodles on our tables and keeps us from having to work side jobs to support ourselves while we work on M:PN2.

Oh, and with the finishing touches on the site blog system now complete, expect to be the main source for all game news henceforth.

Have a great week, and thanks for helping us make M:PN2 a better game!

It’s been MONTHS, but the engine revamps are finally in their live testing phase!

The core code governing characters and their controls (by NPC AI or by player keyboard/mouse input alike) has been scrapped and rewritten nearly from scratch. Many new core features have been phased in and are ready for inclusion in Story Mode. We’ve worked very, VERY hard these last few months to make sure the game feels better, if not recognizably the same, as it was before these revamps were introduced, and we’re finally confident with what we’ve got.

In addition to the significant changes made to the core engine, we’ve added all kinds of new features and fixed some old ones. Below are some of the new ones.

Keep your eyes fixed on the screen, because we’re moving into the Beta portion of this game incredibly soon, and Alpha 1.7 is the last major update before that happens!

-Arena Mode has a tutorial!


-Murder Room 5 is in. We hope you like burning. The Nexus Core does.

-The first round of character Origins are now active!

Madness Project Nexus 2 Alpha Download

-Head tracking has been vastly improved. Characters won’t turn their entire body to face whatever they’re looking at unless they’re trying to kill it.

-Madarang particle was screwed up, and was sharing an effect with the Molotov.

-Update to Squad mechanics and Squad Orders. As we move into Story mode, a more complex system of applying orders to characters is required. NPCs need to know the difference between their standing non-combat orders, and the orders given to them in battle.

-Recoil recovery wasn’t game-speed-dependant. Testing a new system that doesn’t punish slower computers with slower recoil.

-Reloading more streamlined. Tiny, hard-to-encounter issues would occur when being interrupted during a reload. Now, no matter what, your reload will continue where you left off without a problem.

Madness Project Nexus 2 Wiki

-Added melee swooshes! Trails will follow weapons now in a way that is MUCH improved over what we had in the Kickstarter demo.

-With the Snap-Dodgie skill (formerly listed as Tac-Shuffle), you can tap Space to do a quick dodge to the side. You aren’t invincible while doing it, but it can get you out of trouble in an instant without leaving you on the floor like a traditional dodge.

-Charge-Up attacks now occur when holding down the attack button in Hand-to-Hand combat. Hold it longer for better results!

-Katanas, Odachis, and Ninjatos have a unique animation set once you’ve reached Core 3 skill in Melee. The Rapier has an animation set for light attacks as well, if you’re feeling particularly fancy. And don’t even get me started on the Chainsaw…!

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-Enemies can ragdoll into one another and knock each other down, if the contact was hard enough. Makes for interesting crowd control.

-Experimenting with better in-combat idle poses for characters. There are levels of blending in how characters hold their weapon, but if it feels too erratic and twitchy, we may have to revisit how this is done.

-Sometimes blood splats would hit a surface and grow infinitely huge. None of the math made sense as to why this was happening, so we suspect it had to do with object parenting and just made a fix based on that. So far it seems like it’s working fine.

-Cloning vats and medical chairs added as respawners to the HQ medbay.

-Randomize your character name on creation.

-Armor is now calculated differently. Each piece has a Defense value that outright blocks damage dealt to your character, and a Coverage % value that indicates the MAXIMUM amount of damage it can stop. Low Defense / High Coverage armor will stop small amounts of damage almost completely but leave you vulnerable to larger hits, while the opposite will really help against heavy hits but small bits of damage will always get through. When wearing multiple pieces of armor, the Coverage is a weighted average of all pieces of armor based on their Defense.

-Your melee attacks will sort of turn to face your enemies or the point you’re attacking toward. Other than being an aesthetic improvement, it also helps you not to whack staircases when trying to swing at guys above you.

-Grapple will drain the defender’s Tac-Bar significantly on each hit. This should make the skill more useful for taking out zippy enemies, even if they escape.

Madness Project Nexus 2 Alpha Download Free

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Remember, if you’ve run across any bugs or would like to give us your thoughts on the latest build,visit the Project Nexus 2 Forums and join up to share your exploits!