Danny Phantom Dublado Torrent

Season 3 Episode 4

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Danny Fenton was once your typical kid until he accidentally blew up his parents' laboratory and became ghost-hunting superhero Danny Phantom. Now half-ghost, Danny's picked up paranormal powers, but only his sister, Jazz, and best friends, Samantha and Tucker, know his secret. Danny's busy fighting ghosts, saving Casper High and hiding his new. SuperFlix - SuperFlixHD - Assistir Filmes Online - Series - Filmes Online Web.

Torrent of Terror

'Cloudy with a Chance of PAIN!'

In the center of the endless void of the Ghost Zone, a crowd of one-eyed Observant ghosts gathered in their home. The Observant's main job was to watch over the Earth and protect it from many nature-threatening ghosts that mean to cause harm on the real world. They made an oath to watch over the Earth (but, of course, never to act, which is why they bring in Clockwork, the master of time, to do their work). The Observants also act as judges of the ghosts who constantly threatened the Earth for their own personal pleasure.

'ORDER! ORDER!' One Observant said on a podium in the center of the room with the rest of his kind. 'The Observant High Council tribunal is now in session. Bring in the prisoner.' From the ground, a large container floated up with a ghost inside, that too dark to see what is was, but it had electric red eyes. 'For centuries, the prisoner has plagued the perdedor with horrible and unpredictable meteorological events.' The TV screens showed cities that were caught in a huge tornado, massive lightning storms, and gigantic hail storms bigger than they should have been. 'Cities have been wiped out, countless lives have been endangered! Observant High Council, what say you?!'

'GUILTY! GUILTY!' The Observants on the screens announced in unison.

'Before we pronounce sentence, have you anything to say...Vortex?'

The lights flickered on in the container, revealing a big green ghost with a black shirt with had a lighting bolt shaping a V and spikes on his shoulder pads, black gloves, and a spectral tail in the shape of a tornado, and the top of his head had two points shaped like lightning bolts.

'Yes...FRY!' Vortex wheezed as he smirked and he laughed evilly as he charged up his hands. However, before he could even try to break free, some kind of weapon above him sent a painful course of electricity as he shouted in agony.

'Your weather powers are ended inert by our Spectral Barometer, Vortex. There's no possible way for you to escape.'

'Oh, I wouldn't say that.' A familiar female voice said wickedly.

The Observant turned around at one of his guards grinning widely at him. Before he could even react, she fired a pink beam dead on at him, blasting him against the wall. She then fired beams at the other real guards, knocking them unconscious, and the other Observants flew away in surprise while she blasted at the TVs and demolished them.

'Who are you?' Vortex asked the imposter as he cocked an eyebrow.

She removed her helmet and revealed herself to be the evil half-ghost villainess, Vladia Plasmius, who was up to no good again as she smirked with her permanent sinister smile. 'Plasmius, Vladia Plasmius.'

She slammed her scepter on the glass as it cracked and the weather ghost broke free as they both flew out of the Observants' home with his newfound freedom.

'Free! Finally...FREE!'

'Yes, yes, no need to thank me.'

Vortex cocked an eyebrow at her. 'Thank you?! Vortex thanks NO ONE!' He grabbed her angrily as he glared at her. 'You should be rejoicing that I even allow you in my presence...flyspeck!' He then tossed her aside. 'Now, stand aside as I unleash the full...fury of my power on that meaningless planet Earth!' He suddenly got blasted on his back and was shocked as he shouted agony.

Vortex turned around and saw Vladia holding the Spectral Barometer she stole from the Observants during the escape. 'Unleashing your power on the Earth? That's funny, that's exactly what I was thinking.'

Vortex trembled and he stared at evil ghost woman fearfully, not wanting to take the Barometer's pain. 'Please...I'll do anything you ask.'

'Yes, yes you will...and I have a vivid imagination.' Vladia smirked even more evilly and widely as she began one of her newest schemes to win even more power on the Earth for herself.

Theme Song:

(She's a phantom)

(Dani Phantom, Phantom, Phantom)

Yo, Dani Fenton, she was just fourteen
When her parents built a very strange machine
Designed to view a world unseen

(She's gonna catch 'em all, cause she's Dani Phantom)

When it didn't work, her folks, they just quit
Then Dani took a look inside of it
There was a great, big flash, and everything changed
Her molecules got all rearranged

(Phantom, Phantom)

When she first woke up, she realized she had snow white hair, and glowing green eyes
She could walk through walls, disappear, and fly
She was much more unique than the other gals
And it was then that she knew what she had to do
She had to stop all the ghost that were coming through
She's there to fight, for me and you!

(She's gonna catch 'em all, cause she's Dani Phantom)
(She's gonna catch 'em all, cause she's Dani Phantom)
(She's gonna catch 'em all, cause she's Dani Phantom)

At the most haunted town in the country, Amity Park, the first few days have been one of the hottest days of the year as temperatures reached impossible levels of heat, right above one hundred and fifty degrees Fahrenheit. Water has been shorted out, rain never came, everyone was drenched in sweat and trying to fan themselves like crazy. The intense heat was even hot enough for Tina Foley to crack an egg and allow the substance to cook on a hood of a car. The newest mayor of Amity Park, Vladia Masters, has called all of her citizens to City Hall for an emergency announcement.

'Man, I can't ever remember being this hot for so long. Can you, Dani?' Tina asked as she cooked an egg with a car hood. Instead of wearing her usual top, she replaced it with a yellow tank top due to the crazy hot temperature and tied her hair up in a ponytail.

Tina turned around when she noticed that her best friend, Dani Fenton, was remaining silent with her arms crossed and she looked really moody that day. Like Tina, she replaced her shirt with a white tank top and she, too, tied her hair up in a ponytail.

'Uh oh, looks like Commander Crab is off fighting the happies again.' Sam Manson said jokingly as he lifted Dani's mouth, making her fake smile until he released her. Sam had his hair up in a ponytail and has his T-shirt sleeves rolled up.

'No worries.' Tina dug into her backpack and pulled out a mechanical-version of her beanie with goggles and held it up high. 'My Foley Mood Meddler, patent pending, will take care of that in a flash. She slammed her newly invented helmet on Dani's head with the goggles covering her eyes.

Dani saw the screen flicker as it showed her a couple of boys playing volleyball while the ball changed to Tina's head. 'Hello, gentlemen!' Virtual-Tina said, until the helmet began to beep with a error.

'Will you get this thing off of me?!' Dani exclaimed in annoyance.

Tina removed the helmet and inspected it, ignoring Dani's glare. 'Must have some bugs to work out.'

'Yeah, in your head!'

'My dearest citizens!' Vladia announced on the podium, catching everyone's attentions when they turned to her and her security guards fanned her with stacks of money. 'Our current heatwave and subsequent water shortage has thrown Amity Park into a state of emergency! But being as I am your mayor, and many of you are undoubtedly questioning why or even how your voted for me, I vow that the fortunes of Amity Park are about to change with this!' She held out the Spectral Barometer up high for everyone to see. 'My very own rain machine.'

'...There's no way Vladia's gonna make it rain with that thing.' Tina said after a moment of silence.

'So, why are we even wasting our time here?' Dani asked in exasperation as she held her hands out.

'Because your mom is Vladia's biggest supporter?'

The trio turned around and saw Dani's mother, Jackie Fenton, wearing a lot of Vladia merchandise all over her body near the Fenton RV. 'GIVE ME A 'V'! GIVE ME AN 'L'!' She chanted while Matt facepalmed himself in absolute embarrassment. Some of the citizens gave the obese ghost huntress odd looks as they cocked some eyebrows strangely. 'Come on, people, work with me here!'

'Agh! She's probably gonna keep this up until Vladia isn't the mayor anymore.' Dani groaned, even more annoyed that her mother was still acting supportive to her 'best friend'.

'Will we have to deal with your cruddy attitude 'til then, too?' Sam asked her sarcastically with his arms crossed, not really liking his friend's mood one bit.

Dani sighed as she lost her glare and rubbed her head. 'I'm sorry, guys. I just can't help being embarrassed...and annoyed! It's not like it could turn off my emotions.'

'If only Vladia's machine can change your mood swings, she'd be onto something.' Tina said as Vladia approached from behind her and overheard her entire sentence.

'Well, I'll have to work on that, wouldn't I?' Vladia asked with a grin, making Tina jump a little in surprise. 'But for now, I will just have to settle for a sudden change of weather!'

She fired the Spectral Barometer straight up into the sky. Over the clouds, Vortex was currently sunbathing underneath the hot sun until the beam blasted at him dead on, making him shout in agony and surprise again before he growled in frustration.

'So, that dolt is tired of the heatwave she ordered?' Vortex said to himself, revealing that Vladia was the one who forced him to create the heat spike in the first place. 'Very well, then...LET THERE BE RAIN!' He waved out his energized hand.

Everyone glanced around at the sky and Vladia's grin dropped when nothing has happened yet. Dani and her friends grinned cleverly when they believed her 'rain machine' didn't work. 'Sorry, V-girl, looks like your weather machine's a total-' She began to tell off until a raindrop dripped onto her nose, confusing her as her smile dropped.

Thunder clapped in the sky as the clouds blocked out the sun and lightning flashed when the rain fell from the sky. The citizens cheered loudly that the drought was finally over as they got soaked with the cooling rainwater. 'RAIN! RAIN! RAIN!' They all chanted for Vladia and her rain machine, minus Dani, Tina, and Sam.

The trio glanced at Vladia, who was smiling cleverly at them with her arms crossed as one of her guards held up one of her umbrellas for her, the one with a portrait of Vladia herself. The rest of the guards threw the umbrellas for the citizens (except for Dani, Sam, and Tina) as they opened them up, showing more pictures of Vladia as they walked away, leaving the trio alone to get drenched.

'Whenever I think Vladia's crazy, I forget to add 'like a fox'! There's no way she actually made it rain with that stupid piece of junk!' Sam exclaimed as he frowned at the fact.

Vladia's limo the drove away as it splashed the trio with the already-forming puddles, annoying Dani even more. She got even angrier when her archenemy threw an umbrella straight at her head. 'OW!' She exclaimed before she glared angrily at the umbrella as it showed Vladia's frame.

'There's just no ducking the rain here in Amity Park, and that's the best news in weeks.' Lance Thunder announced on the news. He was currently outside in the rain, near a puddle with ducks. 'The drought is over and we all have our super-neato Vladia Masters to thank. We owe you a debt of gratitude, Ms. Masters! Feel free to send us the bill.' A duck suddenly bit him on his finger while he was pointing at it. 'OW! Get this thing off me! Or bring me some orange sauce!'

Vladia watched the news on her television in the mayor's office, grinning madly as she stroked her white persian cat, until the next lightning clap spooked the cat when it yowled and pounced off her lap. The windows suddenly burst open as a mini-tornado swooped into the office and stopped in front of Vladia's desk before it shifted into Vortex.

'Vortex, my boy, you have done well. My approval ratings are up a whooping eighty-two percent!' Vladia said as she showed him her pre and post ratings on her screen.

'I am good, aren't I? But this poultry rain is just the tip of the iceberg...like the one I'll create in the Sahara...once I'm free!' Vortex wheezed with a grin and created a mini-snowman on the palm of his hand before he melted it with his heat vision while he spoke.

'And I'll be anxious to see that...as soon as you stop the rain.'

Vortex's eyes went wide while they sparked when he became surprised and angry by this woman's order. 'STOP THE RAIN?! The weather is my art! I will not just stop it! Did anyone ask Picasso to stop painting the Mona Lisa?!'

Vladia became very irritated by this ghost as she glared at him. 'That was Da Vinci, you dolt.'

'Whatever! Bottom line, THE RAIN STAYS!'

Vladia glared angrily before she fired the Spectral Barometer at stubborn weather ghost, making him shout in agony. However, its beams scattered everywhere when it blasted at walls, electrified the persian cat, and finally destroyed the Barometer, the only weapon that kept Vladia in control of Vortex before she glanced up at him in awe and worry.

Vortex grinned, knowing that his services for Vladia were no longer needed and she was no longer his boss. 'A pleasure doing business with you.' He then flew out of City Hall as he laughed loudly.

Vladia glared with provoke as her eyes glowed solid red before she changed into her ghost form and flew after the weather ghost through the rainy sky. She fired a powerful ghost beam dead on at Vortex's back, making him shout briefly. However, he glared before he merely fired lightning bolts from his fingertips, enough to shock Vladia with her jumpsuit torn up and her face all bruised.

'Since you refused my freedom, I'll see that your...pathetic village endures the worst...STORM EVER CREATED!' Vortex exclaimed into the heavens as Vladia gasped. The wind blew harder and the rain poured harder by the second as the rain turned to a typhoon-like storm. 'Time to unleash THE MAELSTROM!' Then, a giant green skull formed by clouds appeared in the sky.

Vortex breathed a large gust at Vladia, sending her plummeting out of the sky and crashed in an alleyway before she changed back to her human form from energy loss and weakness. A man appeared and the took a picture of her looking injured for the news.

'All residents are advised by Mayor Masters, who is totally to blame for this mess by the way, to board up your windows and batten down your hatches! This is Lance Thunder saying, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! I QUIIIIIIIIIIT!' Lance Thunder exclaimed as he held onto a lamppost for dear life but then lost his grip as he blew away from the massive wind storm.

Jackie powered off her television in the living room while her husband, son, and daughter were also with her as they all watched the news in worry. 'This is awful!' James exclaimed.

'I'll say, Vladia's approval ratings are down to twenty-three percent!' Jackie said, completely missing the part that Vladia was technically the one who began the maelstrom in the first place.

'She's really ruined things with this rainstorm. It's a major emergency!' The window behind the family suddenly shattered from the strong gusts of wind, letting in rain as their hairs fluttered in the wind.

'Right, and there's only one place to be an emergency: the Emergency OP Center!' Jackie poked her head into the OP Center, but unfortunately the entire center got blown away right off the roof. 'Although the guest bathroom is kind of comfy, too. I hide snacks in there!'

Later on Jackie and Dani have volunteered to board up the broken window while Matt and James hangout in the kitchen for safety. Dani hammered on a nail, but she accidentally smacked her hammer on her thumb, making her drop her tool and hold onto her hand to stop the throbbing.

'OW!' She exclaimed.

'Nothing like a little spring rain to freshen things up around here, eh Dani?' Jackie said, not really noticing the wet and messed up living room caused by the strong wind and rain.

Dani turned to her mother with a frown of disbelief. 'Spring rain? Those are eight-five mile an hour winds! Mom, how can you blindly ignore the fact that all of this destruction was probably caused by your old college gal?!'

Jackie remained positive as she smiled at her daughter confidently. 'Dani, don't get so emotional. Vladia would never do something like that.'

'How do you know?'

'Be-because she's...Vladia!' Unaware to either of them, Vladia's gloved hands phased through the floor before she grabbed onto Dani's legs as she made her intangible and phased her through the floor, oblivious to Jackie. 'Give me a 'V'!' She suddenly noticed that her daughter was missing, making her frown in disappointment and frustration. 'Someone's gonna give me a V or there's gonna be trouble.'

Vladia slammed Dani to the lab floor as she grunted before she glared up at her archenemy while she stood to her feet. 'Plasmius! Nice weather we're having!'

'Ah yes, the obligatory weather pun, how original. But I have no time to take exceptions, I must resort to humiliatingly desperate measures.' Vladia said before she landed on the ground and stood in front her teen archenemy. 'Danielle…' Dani eased her muscles and lost her stance as she stood before her. 'I need your help.' This took Dani by surprise when she stared at her with wide eyes.

Vladia explained to Dani that she has helped a powerful chaos-hungry weather ghost named Vortex escape from the Observants and has been using him so she could gain more power and trust from her voters. But now that the Barometer was destroyed, Vortex was now free and has unleashed the maelstrom to the residences.

Dani and Vladia later flew to the giant green cloud skull in their ghost forms. 'Nice move, Plasmius! Unleashing an evil weather ghost just so you could look good at the voters. Desperately power-hungry much?' Dani said sarcastically.

'I don't expect you to understand my reason, Danielle! The important thing is if we're going to defeat Vortex, we have to do it together!' Vladia shouted over to her archenemy through the roaring storm.

They both stopped and hovered in front of the skull cloud as its mouth opened while its tongue stuck out, revealing Vortex laying their lazily. 'Come to admire my greatness up close, ladies?' He asked as he grinned.

Vladia then smiled nervously at the weather ghost. 'Uh no, I just wanted to introduce you to a friend! Dani, Vortex! Vortex, Dani! Well, gotta fly! Tata!' And with that she just flew away like a total coward, leaving Dani to deal with Vortex by herself, much her to dismay like she knew that was coming.

'My heroine.' Dani muttered sarcastically as she rolled her eyes and glared at where her cowardly archenemy flew off.

'The ghost girl?' Vortex asked as he grinned at her with interest before he formed himself into a green cloud and duplicated into four. 'So you're the one they call Dani...Phantom.'

'Actually, you'll find more than one these days. Oh, come on, come on…' Dani concentrated hard as she managed to actually duplicate herself into four as well, finally mastering duplication after several months of practice. 'I DID IT!'

All of Dani's duplicates fired their ecto balls at Vortex, but his clouds merely swallowed their energy balls while he laugh before he blew strong gusts of wind, forcing Dani to merge back into one and weared her out a little. She wearily glanced up at the weather ghost and gasped when he laughed and changed back into his normal form. He grinned as he created a giant snowball from his breath and threw it straight and dead on at Dani, freezing her solid before she began to plummet out of the sky. Luckily, Dani's eyes glowed solid green as she gathered her ecto-energy and broke from from her ice trap with a grunt before she charged at the weather ghost with a provoked glare.

'Breaking news over Amity Park! Amity Park's own heroine, Dani Phantom, is engaged in an epic battle with what appears to be some sort of weather ghost!' Shelly Makamoto announced on the news as Tina watched from her PDA while Sam watched it from his basement with his parents before they watched Dani get blown away by Vortex's ghostly wail.

The Fentons also watched the whole thing from their kitchen in worry. 'Dani should see this! Where is she-' Matt began to ask.

'Uh, she's at Sam's! She called! She's fine!' James answered verbally as he earned puzzled looks from both of his parents.


Back at the fight, Vortex began to fire lightning bolts from his eyes while Dani evaded them as she flipped and twisted around the air until she skimmed across a building, but a few lightning strikes blasted part of the building and the force of the explosion sent Dani crashing into the road. She weakly got back to her feet as she watched the weather ghost descend from the sky with his hands all charged up.

'Your dreary efforts bore me, ghost girl. I was expecting a more...electrifying performance from you!' Vortex wheezed before he fired a beam of lightning at the ghost girl, but she quickly pulled up a ghost shield and deflected his attack.

She charged right at him with her energized hands, but he blew another ghostly wail as she tried to fight against it, but was too strong when it sent her flying away, shouting as she tumbled across the road hear the good sports store. Dani was suddenly lifted into the air by Vortex's telekinesis as he laughed evilly while he electrified her with his lightning, making her scream in agony. He then threw an electric ball straight at the ghost heroine, making her shriek to the top of her lungs as she crashed into the good sports building, exploding it into rumble.

Vortex grinned at Dani Phantom's defeat. 'Now to show the rest of the world the fury of...Vortex!' He wheezed out loud before he flew out of Amity Park with a laugh and prepared to cause some more havoc around the world like before the Observants captured him.

'DANI!' Tina and Sam shouted in unison at their respective homes after they watched the whole thing.

With Vortex now gone, the maelstrom has finally come to an end as the skies of Amity Park cleared and revealed the sun. Sam and Tina have quickly arrived on the motor scooters at the destroyed good sported store, where their best friend was buried.

'Hurry, Tina! Dani's in there!' Sam exclaimed as they began to dig through the rumble, but it turned out, they didn't need to.

They both stopped when they looked up and saw movement from the top of the rumble. Dani Fenton dug herself out of the rocks, wearing a helmet with a scuba mask, a fishing vest with a bra on top, and a giraffe floaty around her waist.

The teens there began to laugh hysterically at the sight of her while Dani glared at the hysteric crowd. 'HEY! Quit laughing at me!' Dani shouted as her body began to glow red.

Danny Phantom Dublado Torrent Yify

The sky immediately began dark again as lightning flashed, like the weather was responding to her anger. 'Oh great, more weather fun.' Sam said sarcastically as he looked up at the clouds and everyone ceased their laughing.

'Calm down, everyone! Calm down.' Vladia Masters said as she walked through the crowd with a casual smile and her hands behind her back. 'Mayor Masters is here, restassured everything's fine.'

Dani glared at her archenemy with absolute hatred like she even had the nerve to show up after she made herself look like a coward, leaving Dani for dead so she could fight against Vortex all on her own, and even brought the destructive weather ghost to the real world to begin with.

'You...cowardly hag...DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU'VE DONE?!' She snapped angrily as her body began to glow red again. Immediately, like before, the weathered seemed to immediately respond to her anger when a huge tornado formed and people scattered out of the way and Vladia ran off as it chased after her.

'Okay that's weird. It's almost as if Dani caused that twister.' Tina commented. She and Sam then glanced at each other before they looked up at Dani and noticed that her body was glowing from her anger.

Several feet away, Jackie drove the Fenton RV with Matt on the passenger seat as they searched around for Vortex. 'If that weather ghost is around here, I'll show him a pressure zone he'll never forget!' Jackie exclaimed before she immediately braked her vehicle as Vladia ran in front of the RV. The parents turned around and shouted when they saw the huge tornado and sucked them up in the air.

'NO!' Dani exclaimed as she lost her anger and her body ceased glowing, making the twister immediately disappear in response as the RV dropped from the sky and crashed on top of a couple of trees.

'Jackie, are you okay?!' Matt exclaimed worriedly.

'Sure thing, honeypie. The airbags didn't deploy, but thank goodness for the big Vladia head.' Jackie said as she patted on her giant foam head of Vladia.

Dani quickly took off the items and rushed towards her parents until Sam and Tina chased after her. 'Dani, wait!' Sam called, catching her attention as they stopped.

'I've gotta go help my parents!' Dani said as she pointed at the RV caught on the trees.

'Your parents are fine, it's you we're worried about.' Tina said as she frowned at her.

'Call us nuts, but we just saw the weather change three times, instinct with your mood!' Sam pointed out as he frowned at her as well.

'That's preposterous!' Vladia said as she walked up to the trio.

'Back off, Masters!' Dani snapped as she glared at her again as her body glowed red. A small cloud formed over Vladia's head and sparked a tiny lightning bolt on the mayor's head, which was enough to make her yelp in pain and she began running away from it.

Danny Phantom Dublado Torrent

'See what we mean?' Tina said.

Dani noticed what her friends were talking about before she glanced down at her glowing body. 'I have felt kind of...tingly since that lightning ball blew up my force field.'

'The electricity passing through your ecto shield must've cost you to absorb some of Vortex's weather control power!' Vladia clarified with her hands on her hips, but Dani frowned at her again as she made the lightning cloud chase after her again.

'Meaning you need to take a deep breath and calm down before we have another storm like the last one.' Sam said to her with his arms crossed.

Dani took a deep breath and calmed down as her body ceased glowing and the clouds parted to reveal the sun again. 'I've heard of having a sunny-disposition, but this is nuts.' She said to her friends.

Vladia, Sam, and Tina have all concluded that Dani has indeed absorbed some of Vortex's weather powers when he gave her the shock of her life before he flew out of town to wreak havoc around the entire world. But what really worried all of them the most was that Dani's newly absorbed weather abilities were empathetically linked to and triggered by her current emotional state.

They immediately brought her to Vladia's mayoral office where Tina fanned Dani while Sam dabbed her with a wet towel, doing their best to keep her as calm as possible. Vladia, in the meantime, paced around her office, looking frustrated by how things have turned out for herself.

'Curses! Just when I'm on a verge of a triumph, the roller coaster emotions of a-a-a-a teenager threatened my plans!' Vladia said to herself out loud in frustration.

'Hey, you were the one who brought the guy here in the first place!' Dani protested offendedly when she rose from her seat and accidentally triggered her weather power as her body glowed blue. A massive hurricane wind suddenly burst through the windows as Vladia, Sam, and Tina shielded themselves from the strong gusts.

Dani's friends then fought against the wind shear fore they shoved her back on the seat. 'CALM DOWN!' They exclaimed in unison. Dani immediately took a deep breath and calmed down as the winds immediately ceased blowing into the office.

'Easy there, big girl, keep it mellow.' Sam said calmly as Tina fanned her with a stack of papers.

'The implications are serious, Danielle.' Vladia continued sternly as the trio all glared at her angrily before she approached the desk. 'Your anger could cause cyclones, your sadness monsoons! You're going to have to remain here and keep calm until your friends can find Vortex and bring him back here!'

'What about you?' Tina asked skeptically as she narrowed her eyes.

Vladia looked away sternly and crossed her arms. 'Negative. The mayor's absence in the wake of disaster will create civic unease.'

'Uh huh.' Sam said sarcastically as he gave her his knowing/flat look before he crossed his arms. 'Along with the instant end of your political career and all subsequent evil plans.'

Vladia chuckled a little as she smiled and cocked an eyebrow. 'Touché.' She then sighed as she lost her smile before she made a serious look on her face. 'I'm afraid I'll have to take it upon myself to keep Dani safe and calm until you complete the task.'

Dani stood up from her seat, not liking this idea of her spending time with her archenemy one bit. 'Me stay with you?! FORGET IT!' Dani snapped angrily as she narrowed her eyes and triggered her weather power again. She created a mini-rain cloud over Vladia's head and poured water all over her as a tiny lightning bolt struck on top of her head, making her yelp.


Vladia glared irritably at Dani, now all soaking wet and her head smoking from the lightning strike. 'WILL YOU QUIT DOING THAT?!'

Dani then calmed down as Tina placed a hand on her shoulder. 'Look on the bright side, Dani. Until we get back, she's gonna have to care to your every whim and desire.' She said as she smirked at Vladia.

'Yeah, she wouldn't want to make you angry.' Sam agreed with his arms crossed before he grinned cleverly at the mayor as well.

Dani glanced at her archenemy, who was wiping herself from the rainwater, but then perked up in surprise when she realized what Dani's friends were talking about. 'This actually pleases me.' Dani admitted as she grinned with anticipation at Vladia in agreement.

Vladia made a look of worry in her eyes, knowing what was going to happen with her if she made Dani angry.

Later on, after Sam and Tina left Dani in the care of Vladia, she took her to her mansion where she fed her to her heart's desire, as long as it meant keeping her from blowing and crumbling her town of Amity Park to the ground with a massive typhoon-like storm like from before.

In the dining room, Dani took a satisfying bite out of her sandwich, but then perked before she spat it out in disgust. 'Hello, I specifically said no tomato!' She exclaimed as she triggered her weather power.

Vladia peeked through her kitchen with a large bowl of ice cream, but then noticed that Dani has created a miniature tornado in her house. She gasped in shock as she dropped the bowl before she ran away from it while the twister trashed her entire home, even knocking the chandelier down to the floor and destroyed most of her expensive antiques.

Meanwhile at the top of Fenton Works, Jackie has just finished reattaching the OP Center to the roof of her house with a blowtorch, after the entire center got blown away from the last maelstrom.

'Lock down tighter than a drum. This baby won't be going anywhere for awhile.' Jackie said to herself proudly before the entire center began shaking as it changed into the Fenton Blimp as it flew away. 'Note to self: never tighten any drums.'

Inside the blimp was Sam and Tina as Tina steered the huge balloon with Sam watching. 'We ditched school and stole the Fenton Blimp. We better find Vortex and bring him back to cure Dani, or we're going to jail for life.' Sam said as he frowned at his best friend.

'We'll find him, we got the most reliable forecasting tool known to man: the atmosphere channel.' Tina as she pointed at the screen in front of them, showing a weather-woman before them.

'At the top of the hour, I'm Offshore Flo. Severe weather conditions with faces are now in effect on all four corners of the globe. Out animatronic four-thousand radar indicates another major storm front rapidly approaching Venice, Italy.' She reported as she showed the severe weather front rapidly moving towards Italy.

Tina pressed a few buttons and the Fenton Blimp expanded into the Fenton Jet before she activated the Auto-Jackie pilot. 'This is Jackie Fenton saying, chicks dig girls who fly!' It said with Jackie's recorded voice.

'We're setting a new course, take us to Venice, Italy!' Tina commanded before it steered into the direction of Italy as the jet took off out of Amity Park.

After Sam and Tina left Amity Park, Vladia then took Dani to the Video Game Convention in the center as they played a game together, since video games really kept Dani calm and relaxed most of the time.


'Thanks for taking me to the Vid Convention, Auntie Vladia.' Dani said mockingly at 'auntie' as she messed around on her controller.

'Oh, don't mention it, dear girl. If this makes you happy, then so be it. You know how much I care for you.' Vladia said before her avatar vaporized Dani's and smiled in triumph. 'HA! Eat that, whimp!'

'HEY! NO FAIR!' Dani became angry again as she triggered her weather ability.

The entire convention suddenly felt a spike of heat as everyone felt it, and it was even hot enough to actually set off as everyone shielded themselves and all the game consoles short-circuited from the water until the sprinklers ceased.

Dani then held up a repaired Spectral Barometer that was held together by tape as she smirked at her archenemy. 'Gee, looks like your rain machine works like a charm, Ms. Mayor.' She retorted.

'Yeah and now you're gonna have to buy every ruined video game in the place, Ms. Mayor.' The manager of the convention said crossly as he crossed his arms and glared at Vladia. She narrowed her eyes in frustration before she pulled out her checkbook and began to pay for the video games.

At Venice, Italy, everything seemed very bright and normal as a romantic couple enjoyed their boat rides down the river, until everything changed when clouds immediately blocked off the sun, making ice and snow appear in a millisecond and even frozen the entire river.

Vortex appeared from the cloud as he grinned at all the destruction he has caused. 'Buongiorno venicia! HAHA! My reign of terror continues! Al Dente!' He wheezed to the heavens.

Then Sam and Tina have just arrived at Italy in the Fenton Jet to witness the scene. 'There he is!' Sam exclaimed as he pointed ahead. Vortex noticed the jet and began to fire lightning bolts from his finger while he growled angrily.

The jet evaded his attacks as the two best friend held on for dear life. 'I don't think we'll be able to stop him! The weather's catastrophic all over the world!' Tina exclaimed to Sam.

Sam then checked on the radar and saw that Amity Park was the only sunny spot. 'Almost all of the world. Here's what we'll do.' He activated the bullhorn and began announcing out loud to Vortex through the speaker. 'Vortex! You must be pretty proud of yourself right about now!'

'Oh, you know it...I have succeeded in disrupting weather patterns...all over the globe! I...am the perfect storm!' He wheezed as the jet circled around him before lightning flashed dramatically around him.

Sam then smirked. 'Well, Mr. Perfect, seems there's one place in the world where the weather is calm and clear: good ol' Amity Park!'

Vortex's eyes went wide in surprise and became angry. 'WHAT?! Surely you're mistaken! My power reaches to the ends of the Earth!'

'Not in Amity Park! Dani Phantom scared you away!' Tina mocked through the bullhorn as she smirked as well.

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'NO ONE SCARES ME!' He then flew away as he made his way back to Amity Park with rage while the Fenton Jet followed him at his tail.

Back at Amity Park, all of the ruined video game consoles have arrived at Vladia's mansion as she signed while Dani sat on a rocking chair, looking relaxed, and also pleased and satisfied by her archenemy's misfortunes she caused by using her new empathic weather powers.

'This has been a great day, Auntie Vladia. You know, I really must tie my emotions to the weather more often, and I'm really looking forward to that foot massage.' Dani said as she hugged her hands behind the back of her head and crossed her legs.

'Anything for you, dear girl. Keeping you calm and happy is my motto, you know.' Vladia said as she rolled her eyes in annoyance and finished signing.

She was about to walk back into the mansion, but then the sky suddenly turned crimson red, making Vladia gasp as she looked up in awe. Thunder clapped loudly when Vortex suddenly appeared in the sky, looking ticked off. 'WHERE IS SHE?!' He demanded, referring to Dani Phantom.

Vladia smiled, knowing that her mission was finally accomplished. 'And now my job is done!' She ran back inside as she changed into her ghost form before she grabbed onto Dani, taking her by surprise and threw her straight outside.

Dani glanced up nervously when she saw that Vortex has returned to her hometown. The weather ghost glared at her as he duplicated into two, one blue and one red, and they splitted up to cause some chaos.

She then looked up nervously at Vladia, who towered over her. 'Auntie Vladia?' She said nervously.

'Let's go, water girl!' Vladia snapped before she grabbed Dani by the collar of her shirt and flew after Vortex. The blue Vortex began to freeze one part of town by just flying by building while the red Vortex started melting the tops of buildings with large amounts of heat. 'Vortex! Stop this insanity and remove the child's weather changing abilities at ONCE!'

Vladia threw Dani into the air as she screamed, but luckily she was caught by the front part of the Fenton Jet and smiled in relief to see her friends inside. 'Hey guys, perfect timing! I could really use your help! I can't believe I'm saying this, but...Tina, I need your virtual reality helmet.' Dani said, making Tina smile brightly before Dani went into the jet in her ghost form.

'We need to harness your mood power to defeat Vortex.' Tina said to Dani as Sam tucked Tina's helmet into Dani's backpack.

'No problem, mastra! Play me like a violin!' Dani phased out of the jet and flew straight towards Vortex. 'Hey, Vortex! Today's forecast: partly cloudy with a chance of PAIN!' She fired a ghost beam at the weather ghost, but he merely held out his hand and deflected her attack.

'HA! Is that the best you can do?! I AM INVINCIBLE!' Vortex wheezed out loud before he fired a huge ice blast at the ghost girl, but she managed to quickly throw up a ghost shield and deflected his ice beam as well.

Dani pulled out Tina's virtual reality helmet and placed it on her head as she tossed her backpack aside. 'Okay, Tina, let's do it!' The jet hovered over her as it held onto her with a couple of linking claws.

'Commencing Operation: Mess with Dani's Emotions!' Tina said as she pressed on her remote.

The helmet began powering up as Dani saw five Paul Sanchez's running across the beach in their swimming short. 'Come and run with us, Dani!' They all said in unison, making Dani smile to see her old school crush.

Then she saw five Daph Baxter's running on the sand in their swimsuits. 'Hey, Fenton!' They all said mockingly.

Dani gasped and then became angry as growled at the sight of her school rival as she began to trigger her anger over the weather as her body glowed red. 'OH! DARN IT, DAPH!' She exclaimed resentfully.

Sam looked through a pair of binoculars and saw the meter on the side of the helmet switch to 'annoyed'. 'Hey! It's working!' Sam said as he smiled.

The weather began to change as a response to Dani's anger when a huge tornado formed. Dani then tried to control it as she focused it onto Vortex when it spun towards him and caught him before it began to slam the weather ghost into buildings as he grunted and shouted.

'This is not my nature!' He exclaimed before he slammed into another building and began to feel a little weak.

'Fire two!' Tina said as she pressed on her remote again.

Dani then saw an image of different kinds of cute animals with very sad faces, and she couldn't help but feel really bad for them. 'Oh, such cute animals! They all look so...sad!' Dani whimpered as she began to glow blue from her sadness.

Now a lightning struck as it began to pour heavy rain and Vortex gasped, beginning to feel himself growing weaker from Dani's weather controlling abilities Vortex accidentally gave being used against him. 'Huh?! ARGH! The elements are mind to control!' He shouted as he tried to shield himself from the monsoon rain.

Tina then smirked as she switched the image on the helmet again. This time, Dani gasped in surprise when she saw herself sitting with Sam on a picnic blanket underneath a sunny, relaxing day. 'Hey, Sam. Great day for a picnic, huh?' Virtual-Dani asked Sam as she smiled at him and then to the sun. Dani gasped as she smiled brightly while her body glowed yellow.

The rain finally ceased while Vortex panted heavily from the heavy rainfall before he wearily looked up at the sky as the clouds parted and revealed the sun. Vortex shouted from the direct sunlight shining on him and he finally began to shrink from his powers getting weakened.

'Okay, Dani! NOW!' Sam said.

The hooks released Dani as she removed Tina's helmet and tossed it aside before she flew straight towards Vortex, but he fired all his energy on the ghost girl, making her scream in agony. Sam shoved the Auto-Jackie and took the wheel of the jet before he dove straight down and fired its blasters at Vortex's chest, sending him crashing into a building as he shouted and then groaned. Dani groaned a little, but regain her focus as she landed several feet away from the evil weather ghost.

'Ah, very clever, ghost brat! But let's see if you can handle this!' He exclaimed as he held out his finger, but all that came out was a fizzle of power and he stared at his finger in shock and confusion. 'What?! I-I'm powerless?!'

'And I'm NOT!' Dani shouted as she fired an ecto blast and sent Vortex crashing into a another building. She then brought out her Fenton Thermos and began to suck in the weather ghost in as he gasped.

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'NOOOOOOOO!' Once Vortex was completely sucked in, Dani angrily recapped the thermos as the Fenton Jet landed on the road and her friends exited the vehicle before they walked up to their friend.

'Dani, you still look really angry.' Sam noticed.

'I'm totally angry! Vladia's ego almost caused the entire world to be destroyed!' Dani exclaimed with her hands in the air.

'But the sun's still shining, that means your emotions aren't tied to the weather anymore!' Tina pointed out as she smiled when she realized that Dani has finally been cured and her emotions are no longer empathetically linked to the weather.

Dani smiled in relief as she sighed. 'Thanks goodness.'

Later on at the Fenton Works lab, Sam and Tina waited for Dani to return after she took a quick trip into the Ghost Zone herself to return Vortex back to where Vladia impulsively and selfishly freed him for herself. Dani walked through the Fenton Ghost Portal and changed back to human form with an empty thermos in her hands as the portal closed up.

'Well, that's that. Vortex is back with the Observants and the weather's fine. Now we can go back to ignoring Vladia's little escapades.' Dani said as she placed her hands on her hips.

'And so good citizens, I promised you rain and I delivered. Despite Dani Phantom and her ghost friends wreaking havoc with it.' Vladia announced on TV as the trio watched, and noticed she was giving the blame all to Dani to keep herself popular.

Dani frowned angrily and annoyingly at her archenemy. 'What?! She's trying to pin this whole mess on me?!'

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'What else is new?' Sam asked sarcastically as he frowned as well at Vladia's credit giving.

'That's Vladia for ya, always trying to steal your thunder. HA! Good one, huh?' Tina said to her friends with a side joke as she smiled.

Dani and Sam only stared at her oddly, not really finding her joke funny as they walked out of the lab and not saying a word. Tina then placed her virtual reality helmet on her head and watched the scene from only moments before she said her joke.

'That's Vladia for ya, always trying to steal your thunder. HA! Good one, huh?' Virtual-Tina said with a laugh.

This time, Virtual Sam and Dani both laughed at her little side joke, making the real Tina smile in satisfaction. 'Much better. Modern technology to the rescue again.' She said to herself.

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