A Novel Idea App

Novem­ber is National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo for short. Starting tomor­row, I put up my “Do Not Disturb” sign and for thir­ty days and nights retire to an undis­closed loca­tion with my nose to the grind­stone (and my fin­gers to the key­board) as I tap tap tap away 50,000 words worth of char­ac­ter devel­op­ment, plots, sub­plots, twists and turns that should coa­lesce into a novel.

  1. A Novel Idea By Aimee Friedman

Radiographic evaluation of the acetabular morphology is paramount importance for diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up management in dysplasia of the hip in. Others use a note-taking app. If you don't have an idea for a theme before you start a novel or as you write it in the beginning, do not worry because.

NaNoWriMo is an annu­al event that gath­ers par­tic­i­pants from around the world to write their first (or sec­ond, or third) nov­el in one month. It aims to help would-be nov­el­ists stop pro­cras­ti­nat­ing, break through writer’s block, and come out the oth­er side with a com­plete work. The idea is that writ­ers work alone but have a shared com­mu­ni­ty of resources, forums, and even­tu­al­ly read­ers to tap into.

The NaNoWriMo com­mu­ni­ty is quite bustling, and accord­ing to the web­site last year it had 165,000 par­tic­i­pants more than 30,000 of who crossed the 50K fin­ish line. This is not a typ­i­cal com­pe­ti­tion in that there are no win­ners or prizes, but rather a com­pe­ti­tion against one­self and a tick­ing clock.

Granted, the approach is one of quan­ti­ty over qual­i­ty, but for a painful­ly self-crit­i­cal per­fec­tion­ist like myself, that might be just what is need­ed. Ideas for a nov­el have been per­co­lat­ing inside me for quite a while, and now it’s time to get them all out. At my key­board, get set, write!

Approachable simplicity.
Unparalleled customizability.

Hiveword has helped writers organize their novels since 2011. The free account offers the essentials such as scenes, characters, and plotlines while the Hiveword Plus upgrade provides powerful customizability that grows with your needs.

Save Time

“Measure twice, cut once.” This old carpenter’s adage can be applied to many things including creating a novel. Planning your novel before you write can prevent you from meandering and wasting time. No more dead ends. No more painting yourself into corners. Organizing your story with Hiveword can help you prevent these fates.

Your Way

Whether you favor index cards, the Snowflake method, or your own process, Hiveword is there for you. Hiveword provides the components that all stories have (characters, scenes, etc.) plus extension points such as tags so that you can mark those components as you see fit. For example, you can mark scenes as TODO, First Plot Point, Twist or whatever you’d like. Mix and match all of these things to achieve the perfect degree of organization for you.

Know Where and When

Which scenes have Bob as the POV character in Paris? Where was the villain last seen? Hiveword’s powerful scene filtering feature allows you to answer all of these questions and more in an instantly understandable way. You can also easily sort your scenes in this filtered mode.

Untangle Plotlines

Managing plotlines can be an exercise in frustration. Prevent that frustration and save time by leveraging Hiveword's plotline management tools. Intuitive visuals make it a breeze to see at a glance how your main plot and subplots weave through your scenes.

Upgrade to Hiveword Plus to unleash the ultimate in novel organizer customizability.
Track anything you can imagine from spells to starships. A Hiveword exclusive!

Create Your Own Things

Track your novel's religions, clans, companies, countries, weapons, spells, or anything you want along with any number of fields to describe them. Your new types will appear in Hiveword like they were there all along. Magic!

Add Your Own Fields

Augment the standard Hiveword types such as scenes, characters, settings, etc., with your own extension fields. There's no limit to the details you can track. Here, a normal Hiveword item can have magical properties.


Attach images to your characters, settings, custom types, etc., in a convenient in-page popup. You can also have unassigned images that are not attached to a story in any way. You can tag your images for simple categorization and use the powerful image filter to see all of your images in one place.


Like the image upload feature, you can have any number of notes for stories, scenes, characters, etc. The same great features exist such as the in-page popup, a powerful filter, and tags for categorization.

Writer's Journal

Many authors use journaling to log their thoughts, brainstorm, or simply free write to get the juices flowing. Sue Grafton does it. Many others do, too. Hiveword Plus makes journaling easy. You can have multiple entries per day and you can tag them for reference.

Search Everything

Find things fast! The search feature sifts through all of your data with Google-like speed and lists the results by category such as characters, settings, etc.

Dark Mode

Turn the lights down to give your eyes a break in low light (or any time!).

All Hiveword accounts include the following features:

  • Unlimited stories
  • Unlimited scenes
  • Unlimited characters
  • Unlimited settings
  • Unlimited items
  • Unlimited plotlines
  • Unlimited tags
  • Sorting
  • Scene board
  • Powerful scene filtering
  • Plotline visualization
  • Character name generator
  • Location name generator
  • Private workspace
  • Data export (no lock-in!)
'Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant! As a new writer this is exactly what I've been looking for!'
— Jon K.
'Wow. Your software is SUCH a help. I am creating scenes, sorting them, and getting all the tangles of my ideas down and in logical, fun to read order. NEVER could do this with file cards or other software. Thank you!'
— Brenda R.
A Novel Idea App
'I absolutely adore this service! It's everything I could hope for.'
— Michaela L.

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A Novel Idea App
You need a free Hiveword account to try Hiveword Plus:

A Novel Idea By Aimee Friedman

Hiveword Plus is an upgrade to the free Hiveword novel organizer and has an annual fee of $25. If you cancel Hiveword Plus you'll still have your free basic Hiveword account.