17 Attraction Triggers

Most men don’t know how to flirt with girls naturally. The truth is, sometimes their flirting efforts fall short and girls misunderstand as trying to be very friendly and polite.

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Other times, the men’s flirting efforts come off as being very aggressive. But there are some tips you can make use of to communicate interest in a girl that will certainly not be misconstrued.

Attraction Triggers For Men

Secrets Of Hitting Her Attraction Triggers. Feb 17, 2015 ― David Brooks.Trauma triggers are events or experiences that. A Fatal Attraction The Intersection of Trauma and Alcohol and Drug Use One thing I learned in Alanon is that you’ve got to face the music because it just grows louder when you ignore it –Vicki Covington. Today, I am going to share my review about the book 17 Attraction. 17 Attraction Triggers by David Shen. Feel free to share your ideas, comments. Trigger sexual attraction in any woman For men www.vitalcoaching.com - 2 - Index Women respond to power!3 What women pick up from you4.


A lot of guys make flirting with girls a difficult task but in reality, knowing how to flirt with girls must be something fun that you just love doing. Here are easy tips to flirt with your desired women and create attraction.

Triggers17 Attraction Triggers

1) Pay attention to your body language.

While this seems very basic, it really is very hard. When you are trying to flirt with a girl, you must be aware of your body language.

For instance, you must keep your hands out of your pockets and lean in while talking. This communicates interest and openness. When talking, lean forward and place a hand on her lower arm thus, making contact. This conveys clear interest without making her feel uncomfortable.

When flirting one more important thing to do is to incorporate lots of touching to generate a more sexual vibe and to prevent having the girl put you in her friend zone.

2) Use seductive eye contact to build the connection.

When you try to flirt with any girls making sexy eye contact is very important. But, there is a wrong way and a right way to do powerful eye contact. Most men think that just a stare is enough but this can be absolute creepy for some girls though.

Here is how to make sexy eye contact. Make eye contact with the girl, briefly hold it, and then give a warm smile. An eye contact along with a warm smile can be sexier to a girl. To increase the effect make eye contact with a smile 3 – 4 times during the day so she realizes that it was intentional.

The truth is that a lot of guys are very scared to look directly into the eyes of beautiful girls and they walk keeping their heads down and showing terrible body language that is unattractive to women. Use the powerful eye contact and the girls with whom you flirt will feel a strong emotional connection to you.

3) Tease when the woman is laughing.

When you are flirting with women teasing is always a must. Smile. Say something and laugh about it with her. And gently “pick”. Girls like a good sense of humor.

How to actually do teasing a woman will depend on the girl though. You must often be reserved until some conversation has happened like some brief talks. It is important not to appear as being arrogant or cocky.

17 Attraction Triggers

4) 70 percent of flirting with girls includes listening.

If you hope to get success with girls, then you must first become a good listener. Guys who listen well show good attractive characteristics to girls. In addition to that, to build an emotional connection with women, you must get them to do a lot of the talking. The guy who talks more doesn’t attract girls. The guy who listens more can easily attract women to him.


17 Attraction Triggers Pdf

This post didn’t tell you what you must talk about with women while flirting. The reason is that what you say to women doesn’t really matter.

What matters is:

  1. The sexual vibe that you communicate to girls
  2. The way you touch her and arouse her
  3. How you maintain a powerful eye contact during your conversation with girls

Guys who have learned how to flirt with girls in the proper way easily get dates, get girls reply to their text messages, and seduce the women on dates.

17 Attraction Triggers Pdf Free

Start following these easy flirting tips and you will always succeed in getting a woman’s phone number and you will never go home alone again.